Once your order is shipped, we will share the tracking number with you. You can then track your order online 24/7 by following these steps:
- Go to our Order Tracking page.
- Enter your tracking number.
- Press "Track" to proceed.
Once your order is shipped, we will share the tracking number with you. You can then track your order online 24/7 by following these steps:
For some shipping companies, it may take 2-3 business days for the tracking information to be updated on their systems. Please be patient with them and check again in a day or two.
We are proud to offer international shipping services that deliver to over 200 countries and islands worldwide. Nothing means more to us than putting our awesome products into your hands. However, there are still very few locations we are unable to ship to. If you happen to be located in one of those countries we will contact you.
Due to high volumes, your orders may take a little longer to reach you. We appreciate your kind understanding and regret any inconvenience caused.
For the most accurate delivery time, please use our Order Tracking page to locate your item(s) at your convenience.
We apologize that we are unable to accommodate specific delivery time requests at the moment. If you are not available at the time of your delivery attempt, our delivery partners will try to re-deliver to you at another time.
Some of our delivery partners may attempt deliveries during the weekend, and some on holidays. However, if you are not available at the given address on the weekend they will re-attempt the delivery on a business day.
Unfortunately, to keep our premium products at attractive prices, we are not able to expedite the delivery of orders. However, we always do our best to make sure your parcel is delivered as fast as possible.
We apologize that we are not able to give you an exact date and the time of delivery. However, you may locate your order online 24/7 using our Order Tracking page at your convenience.
Unfortunately, our delivery partners are not able to guarantee a call before the delivery. If you are not available at the time of your delivery attempt, the courier will try to re-deliver to you at another time.
If you are not available when your package arrives, our delivery partners will try to deliver to you again at another time.
Note: Each shipping company has their own rules regarding the maximum number of re-delivery attempts. It is a good idea to contact them directly to work out the details of your re-delivery to avoid any disappointment. We are NOT responsible for sending you a replacement for free or give you a refund if your package is lost because you are not at home to receive your order.
In case you've provided an incorrect shipping address, please contact us immediately by sending an email to We and don't forget to include your correct address in the email. We will check whether we can change it for you.
If your order has already been shipped, we are truly sorry but at this point, we are not able to adjust your address or send you a free replacement. Still, you should follow your tracking details closely. Once the package has arrived at the local post office, you can contact them directly to forward your package to the correct address. We're very sorry that we cannot help you with this step as the post office will require proof of identity of the receiver.
First, please double check your garage or the mail box in case the delivery staff left it there. Please also check with your family members and the neighbors in case someone picked up the items on your behalf.
If you still cannot find your items anywhere, please contact the local post office as soon as possible in case their delivery staff made a mistake. We're very sorry that we cannot help you with this step as the post office will require proof of identity of the receiver. If you found out that we made a mistake, please let us know immediately and we'll either give you a refund or send out a free replacement for you. The choice is yours.
Due to a mistake on our end, it may be possible that you receive an item different from what you ordered. In the unlikely event that this happens, we will offer you a free return and refund.
Please contact us immediately and we will assist you promptly. Please also make sure to keep your item in its original package, with all accompanied accessories, documentations, manuals, labels, tags and the purchase invoice.
We take full responsibilities for the quality of our products and services. If the item you received is faulty or defective, we are happy to offer you a free return and refund. Please provide a fully unboxing video as proof to request.
Please contact us immediately and we will assist you promptly. Please also make sure to keep your item in its original package, with all accompanied accessories, documentations, manuals, labels, tags and the purchase invoice.
We do NOT charge any additional fees on your orders beyond the cost of the products and the shipping fees if applicable. However, once the order arrives at your country, you may need to pay customs and import taxes according to your government's laws.
All customers are responsible for the customs and import taxes within their own country. For further information, we recommend contacting your local customs office.
To keep our premium products at attractive prices, we are working diligently with our partners to cut out the middleman and pass the savings directly onto you. Hence, your items are being shipped directly to you from our partners' warehouses worldwide. As such, if your order contains 2+ items, they may arrive separately.
In addition, this would also allow us to streamline our delivery process and get the items to you faster.
After you have successfully placed your order, our Customer Service team will process your order and update you as soon as possible by email.
We will include a tracking number for you to locate your order anytime on our Order Tracking page.
Unfortunately, for security purpose, our customer service representatives cannot place an order on your behalf over the phone. However, placing an order on our website is really simple. If you face any troubles, please do not hesitate to contact us.
You can search for a product on our website using the following methods:
An order confirmation with order summary will be sent to you by email after you have placed your order. We will also send email notifications to keep you updated frequently on your order status.
First, please note that only ONE discount code can be activated per order. To enter your Discount code, please follow the steps below.
On our website, all products are listed and sold under US Dollar. However, you can easily switch to other currencies using the drop-down menu with country flags on the top right corner of our web site.
For your convenience, our system will automatically show your cart's original value in US Dollar at checkout. Please note that your bank may charge you a small exchange fee if your credit/debit card is registered under your local currency.
To bring you the best online shopping experience, we offer safe payment via PayPal or Credit/Debit card - such as VISA, MasterCard and AMEX. Please choose the most suitable one for you.
Please note that all orders at our website are placed in US Dollar. For your convenience, our system will automatically show your cart's original value in US Dollar at checkout.
At times, the bank may accidentally block your transaction due to some internal errors in their system. To improve your shopping experience, we've started accepting ad-hoc orders over email since January 2018. If your card was rejected for any reasons, just drop us an email at with the following details.
Our Customer Service team will help you place an order over email and show you how to securely pay for your order with zero issue from the bank.
We accept all major credit cards supported by VISA, MasterCard and AMEX. Your card details will be protected using industry-leading encryption standards.
At our website, your security is extremely important to us and we take it very seriously. We use Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) technology to provide you with the safest, most secure shopping experience possible. SSL technology enables encryption (scrambling) of sensitive information, including passwords and credit card numbers, during your online transactions. All of the forms on our site are secured with SSL technology so your personal information stays safe and out of malicious hands.
In addition, we have invested significant time and money to guarantee our PCI compliance. From annual on-site assessments to continuous risk management, we work really hard to ensure our platform is secure.
For your information, the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) is an information security standard for organizations that handle credit card and debit card information. Defined by the Payment Card Industry Security Standards Council, the standard was created to increase controls around credit card data to reduce credit card fraud via its exposure.
At our website, your security is extremely important to us and we take it very seriously. Every credit card transaction occurs within a secure environment. We do NOT retain your credit card information after your order is placed. It is submitted directly to our banks. When your transaction is completed, we are only able to see your billing information, shipping information and your order details.
Most of our products are manufactured as soon as possible after placing the order in case of low stock. And we always want to make sure your order will be delivered to you as quickly as possible and try our best to provide you with the most exact appointment schedule. Therefore, all changes and cancellations must be made within 12 hours of order placement. Just send us an email within 12 hours and let us know what you want to change or the reason why you wish to cancel your order.
Unfortunately, if your order has been packed or shipped by our partners, we are not able to help you cancel the order.
Yes! Please contact us to cancel the duplicate order. However, please remember to inform us as soon as possible as our partners might have already packed or shipped your order. In this case, we are not able to help you cancel the order.
If you wish to change the delivery address or the recipient of your order, please contact us as soon as possible. In case your order has already been packed or shipped, we are not be able to make any changes. Rest assured that we will do our best to accommodate you.
We apologize that we are unable to change the items in your order once it has been processed, as our partners might have already packed and shipped out your item(s).
Our core values are rooted in our dedication to customer satisfaction above all else. We understand that buying items online can be a daunting task. Hence, at our store, we want to ensure ZERO risk in buying our products.
We only offer a full refund in case your items be faulty or defective upon arrival or if we send the wrong items (e.g. size, style, color). Besides, an unboxing video as proof to accept the refund request is required. And the refund will be processed within 30 days of the day request being accepted.
For your information, upon your request and in the case where a full refund is applicable as outlined above, instead of such a refund, we can also send a replacement at no additional cost to you if that's your wish.
Please contact our customer care to start the Exchange process. Our friendly staff will quickly review your request and respond with further instructions on how to proceed. Please include the following details in your message:
Note: You MUST contact us to verify if your order is eligible for a refund before sending the items back. Once we accept your return request, we will give you a return address to ship the items to. If you ship the items back to the wrong address before talking to us, you will NOT be eligible for a refund.
You're covered under our 30-Day Money Back Guarantee when:
In addition, to be eligible for a full refund, please make sure the items satisfy all requirements below.
Note: Our team will carefully inspect & verify all items before we send out a replacement or refund. We reserve the right to refuse any replacement and refund if it does not meet the above criteria.
After you have sent the products back to us, we will process your items within 14 business days of receipt and apply a credit to your original payment method. You will receive an email from us when this is complete. A credit will appear on your next statement, depending on the issuing bank and billing cycle.
Late or missing refunds (if applicable). If you haven’t received a refund yet, please check your bank account again and contact your credit card company. It may take some time before your refund is officially posted. If you’ve done all of these and still have not received your refund yet, please contact us.